Sunday 25 August 2013

Today's Blog- Day out in Cromer!

Hi guys, Today me and my family went to Cromer which is in Norfolk (UK). It is a small town which has beautiful views of the coast. 

We set off from our house at about 10am, pack the car up, we had so many bags! No joke when ever we go to the beach we look like were going for a month!! Then we got into the car I was texting my friends Paige (check her blog out paigee caddamy) Mikey and Josh. While rocking out to One Direction, Mumford and sons and Oasis in the car with the family. It was starting to get warmer as well so thing were looking good. 

When we arrived at Cromer we had to make a quick detour to Morrisons because we forgot the sun cream. But when we had got the sun cream we were straight back on the road to the beach. We had all the windows down and you could smell the salty air and it was going through my hair. I love the sea side!! We parked the car and got our million and one bags out of the car and started walking down to the beach.

Cromer is a really old seaside town, as we were walking to the beach there was a helter skelter on the sea front along with a ice cream van. We kept walking from there, because dad doesn't like to be near the tourist parts of the beach. 

When we got to the 'perfect spot' we got out all the rugs and mats and changed into our swimming stuff and went straight into the sea. It wasn't that cold which I was very surprised about! The part of the beach what we were on had barely anyone on it was brilliant! Just a couple of families and a group of boys playing football,which I didn't mind!!! Dad made us lunch shortly after arriving, he cooked us bacon sandwiches which were lush! Then we relaxed for the rest of the day.

At about 6 pm we packed all the bags up and took them to the car and then went back down on to the sea front. But this time we went to the pier. I love the pier it is really long and right down at the bottom of it there is the life guards center and sometimes you can watch them pull the boats back in on go out on patrol or on a rescue. We watched the sun go down on the pier, it was beautiful. There was an artist there and he was drawing the cliffs, while some families we crab fishing and others were eating fish and chips, doughnuts or ice cream. Levi my brother had doughnuts while my sister Abigail had candy floss and I had some chocolate ice cream it was delicious!  

After that we started heading back to the car. On the way home we took the coastal route so we could see the coast most of the way home it was a lovely day out and I love every minute of it! 

Thanks for reading guys! Love you all! Jess xox

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