Tuesday 27 August 2013

Today's Blog- 'All for Marie wedding'

Hi guys hope your all okay, today we danced the day away.. I'll start from the begging.

My Nana came round today and she was singing a song called 'All for Marie wedding' which is an Irish song, my Nana is from Ireland and she grew up to these songs. So she taught me how to dance to all of these songs today, so we were high kicking and spinning around the kitchen. She was also singing Molly Malone, which she used to sing to me and my cousins when we were babies.

When we were last over in Ireland my Nanas sisters taught me and my sister how to dance like this so it was a laugh doing it again. I love my Nana she is so funny and I can talk to her about anything. 

After we had finished our dancing around we went in to town (Spalding) to take Mum to the dentist and then we went into town to the beauticians. Mum and I got our eyebrows waxed. Getting them waxed stings a little but I think it's more worried about how it will feel. 

When we got home I went for a run while mum biked next to me. I ran almost 3 miles in under 30 minutes which is very good! 


Thanks for reading guys, sorry it isn't a great blog today. Love you all! Jess xox

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