Thursday 29 August 2013

Today's Blog- One Direction This is Us 3D movie!

Hey guys, hope your all okay. Today we went to the premier of the One Direction movie in our local cinema! 

My amazing Nanna took me and my sister to see it, we got there at about 11am and the film started at 12 but people were already queuing! So we our popcorn and got in the queue. 

When it started everyone was so excited when the film started, then it all went quite. It was really good it started with the boys in their early years and then it followed them on tour! 


I love the boys not because there 'famous' because they are genuine. They are just themselves and I feel I could talk to them and they are just like some boys in my class. Boys if you are reading this please let me know it would mean the world to me I know its pretty impossible that they are, but still just in case.  

Thanks for reading guys I know its a bit of a fan girl blog today. 
Love you all Jess xox

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Today's Blog- Home made face masks

Hi guys, hope your all okay today I made face masks for me and my sister! So here are the recipes for the face mask routine.

Milk Wash -  Pour a little bit of milk in to a bowl and get 2 cotton pads. Wet them in the milk and wipe them over your face. This tightens the skin on your face and makes you face less oily. It also softens your face. After you have done that and wipe that off.

Banana and honey face mask- Get a banana and two table spoons of honey, then mash it all together. After you have done that put the mixture in the microwave for 20 seconds. Then apply to face and relax for 20 minutes. Then wash off, this mask gets rid off black heads and oily skin, it also softens skin.  

Thanks for reading guys hope theses face masks help all of you beautiful people!
 Love Jess xox

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Today's Blog- 'All for Marie wedding'

Hi guys hope your all okay, today we danced the day away.. I'll start from the begging.

My Nana came round today and she was singing a song called 'All for Marie wedding' which is an Irish song, my Nana is from Ireland and she grew up to these songs. So she taught me how to dance to all of these songs today, so we were high kicking and spinning around the kitchen. She was also singing Molly Malone, which she used to sing to me and my cousins when we were babies.

When we were last over in Ireland my Nanas sisters taught me and my sister how to dance like this so it was a laugh doing it again. I love my Nana she is so funny and I can talk to her about anything. 

After we had finished our dancing around we went in to town (Spalding) to take Mum to the dentist and then we went into town to the beauticians. Mum and I got our eyebrows waxed. Getting them waxed stings a little but I think it's more worried about how it will feel. 

When we got home I went for a run while mum biked next to me. I ran almost 3 miles in under 30 minutes which is very good! 


Thanks for reading guys, sorry it isn't a great blog today. Love you all! Jess xox

Monday 26 August 2013

Today's Blog- Bank holiday Monday treats!

Hey guys hope your all okay, and for the ones of you in the UK having a lovely bank holiday Monday!  

Today I went black berry picking with my brother and sister! Its another beautiful sunny day, and most of blackberries have ripened so we strolled down the road to the hedges which are loaded in blackberries! 

We spent about two hours picking blackberries, our hands were purple after it! We pick two whole bowls full and there would have properly been three bowls but we ate a lot of them! We strolled back home. It is so warm, it lovely walking through the country lanes in the sunshine, barely anyone was up this morning because its bank holiday Monday, so it was peaceful as well. 

When we got home we washed them and put half in the freezer and the other half in the fridge. Then Abigail and Levi got on their bikes and cycled down to their friends house, while I stayed at home and cleaned my room, started on the iron bench parts... 

My great granddad worked in the ship yards and he made two iron bench holders and made a bench for my great grandma so she could sit in the garden. So during the years it has ended up at our house. So today I decided I would sand down the pieces and start making a bench out of them! So for most of the day I've been in a pair of overalls. (I'll put some pictures up when I have finished it!)

When I had finished and had a shower mum had made us a huge roast dinner which was delicious! 

Thanks for reading, love you all! Jess xox 

Sunday 25 August 2013

Today's Blog- Day out in Cromer!

Hi guys, Today me and my family went to Cromer which is in Norfolk (UK). It is a small town which has beautiful views of the coast. 

We set off from our house at about 10am, pack the car up, we had so many bags! No joke when ever we go to the beach we look like were going for a month!! Then we got into the car I was texting my friends Paige (check her blog out paigee caddamy) Mikey and Josh. While rocking out to One Direction, Mumford and sons and Oasis in the car with the family. It was starting to get warmer as well so thing were looking good. 

When we arrived at Cromer we had to make a quick detour to Morrisons because we forgot the sun cream. But when we had got the sun cream we were straight back on the road to the beach. We had all the windows down and you could smell the salty air and it was going through my hair. I love the sea side!! We parked the car and got our million and one bags out of the car and started walking down to the beach.

Cromer is a really old seaside town, as we were walking to the beach there was a helter skelter on the sea front along with a ice cream van. We kept walking from there, because dad doesn't like to be near the tourist parts of the beach. 

When we got to the 'perfect spot' we got out all the rugs and mats and changed into our swimming stuff and went straight into the sea. It wasn't that cold which I was very surprised about! The part of the beach what we were on had barely anyone on it was brilliant! Just a couple of families and a group of boys playing football,which I didn't mind!!! Dad made us lunch shortly after arriving, he cooked us bacon sandwiches which were lush! Then we relaxed for the rest of the day.

At about 6 pm we packed all the bags up and took them to the car and then went back down on to the sea front. But this time we went to the pier. I love the pier it is really long and right down at the bottom of it there is the life guards center and sometimes you can watch them pull the boats back in on go out on patrol or on a rescue. We watched the sun go down on the pier, it was beautiful. There was an artist there and he was drawing the cliffs, while some families we crab fishing and others were eating fish and chips, doughnuts or ice cream. Levi my brother had doughnuts while my sister Abigail had candy floss and I had some chocolate ice cream it was delicious!  

After that we started heading back to the car. On the way home we took the coastal route so we could see the coast most of the way home it was a lovely day out and I love every minute of it! 

Thanks for reading guys! Love you all! Jess xox

Saturday 24 August 2013

Today's Blog is about tumble dryers!

Hi guys today's blog is going to be about tumble dryers. I bet most of you are sat there thinking what is she going on about? 

Well a couple of weeks ago our tumble dryer decided it wasn't going to dry our clothes anymore, but then a couple days later it decided it would and it has until now!!! So dad is out at work and its just me and mum, so we decided to Google how to take apart and fix the tumble dryer, so it came up with this lovely man from you tube called aussie50 who takes apart tumble dryers for a living. 

So we take apart the tumble dryer and clean it, do everything he says. Then put it all back together again, on the screen his tumble dryer has dried all of the clothes our tumble dryer, the clothes are still wet but not as much. So we do it all over again, take the tumble dryer apart clean it put it back together again and it still wasn't working properly. So we have a tea and toast break because were starting to get a little bit annoyed. 

After the tea and toast break we start again. With a little more hope (might have just been an energy kick from the food and tea but still). We weren't going to let the tumble dryer beat us!! This time we left the lid off and let switched the tumble dryer on, we found out on of the cables was moving while the tumble dryer was drying. We had found the problem!! Now we just needed to fix it. So we watched the video again and read through the manual an found out how to fix this wire back on. We are geniuses!! So we rebuild the tumble dryer and put some clothes in again, press start and it works! It actually works!! The clothes are dry so with that me and mum treat ourselves by making a hot chocolate for each of us and two digestive biscuits each. Job well done! 
Thanks guys for reading! Love you all, Jess xox


About me! :)

Hi Everyone, my names Jess and I'm a new blogger. I'm fourteen years old and I live in the United Kingdom. I go to The Thomas Cowley High School and I'm in year ten, so currently doing GCSE's. My blog is going to be about my day to day life and to offer help and support to all you lovely people! I'm really excited about this and I hope you guys will like it too! 

I love sport! I play rugby for my local girls team, I also play for Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire and Derbyshire team (NLD). I enjoy playing rugby because I have made a lot of friends through it and it keeps me fit. The girls who I play with are all very kind and friendly. The girls who I play rugby with are like sisters to me and I would recommend it to anyone especially if your stressed out about exams or want to make some new friends!

I would say I am a kind and friendly girl, I get on with most people and always there if they want someone to talk to. So if any of you lovely people want someone to talk to I am always here just write me a message on twitter and I will get back to you as quickly as I can! My twitter name is Jess_Tolson . 

I will be putting either a new video or blog up everyday about whats going on in my daily life, hope you have enjoyed my first blog.  Love you all! Jess xox